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Flexible proxy server

I am looking for specific solution concerning proxy server. I experimented
with Apache and CERN servers but couldn't work it out. 
Here it goes: we have one global cache for all area networks and it is
not in the same our local net. We would like to configure proxy in such
manier that every local request would be served by local server
and all others should be passed to global proxy caching server.
In this case we will avoid round-around trip: client->proxy->local server.

I thought about such commands as: (Apache alike)
ProxyRequest on
ProxyPass http://our.local.server /local/path/documents
ProxyPass http: http://global.proxy.server

Have someone similar problem and maybe solotion for it?

Aleksander Slominski http://www.mat.uni.torun.pl/~aztoruns
"Only I am smart, only I am strong and only I think so."